Minor-League Buzz Major League Life

A friend of mine wrote a book, ML1Don Miers wrote this and I have had the pleasure of being his friend for many years now. We met at Minor League Marketing Meetings in El Paso. All these years and every fun time he would say, “that’s going in the book”. Here are a few of the characters. ML2Now this is many years ago at The Winter Meetings in Nashville.

Now the story is a good read. It keeps you going and it is a nice progression. If you would like to buy one you can go to Donmiers.com. I truly recommend it. It is about baseball, sex, rock n roll, but really about life.

Treat Your Feet Massage

A wonderful Staycation is found on Buford Highway. Unknown-2My neighbor Josi took me here today and I was one happy camper. For one hour, they massaged our feet in this dark peaceful room. images-3They start out by putting your feet in some very hot water. Then they massage your feet and legs with soft music playing in the background. Oh and you are in a super soft cushy chair. Then they do some massaging with hot stones. There is one more step in the massage process, but you have to experience it yourself.

Find some time and enjoy!

The Velveteen Rabbit

The Velveteen Rabbit was one of my favorite books as a child.UnknownThen in a speech class in college I picked the “Real” speech from the book. images-2 So, I was going through some books today and came across The Velveteen Principles – A Guide to Becoming Real.  I opened the book to this chapter.  The Opposite of being real. Basically it says there are a lot of people who can’t be real. They would prefer not to stand out, but to blend in. In doing this they become Objects.

They obsess about their appearance, but it goes much farther than that. Object people worry about what people think about their jobs, their homes and their mates. They worry about the kind of cars they drive. Their children’s behavior and how they look.

In the process of becoming an Object is so gradual one doesn’t even notice it is happening.

Hopefully these people will have a wake up call and look inward and try to become REAL. Unknown-1