ThrowBack Thursday

A long time ago, I went to visit my friend Paula in Pennsylvania. We decided to take a trip to the Statue of Liberty. NY#

On the way we found a vending machine that dispenses bait. I had never seen one of those before and I have never seen one since. These kids are all grown up now! Jack is in college and Peyton is out of college and working now. Wow time flies.NY1


It was an amazing experience, one I will never forget.NY4

Hawk in the Hood

We have a lot of wildlife in our neighborhood. Someone actually spotted a deer. We are considered in town so, it seems really weird but it was their neighborhood first, just a hundred years ago. We have raccoons and possums a plenty. We also have hawks. I am mesmerized by them. Their beauty in flight is amazing. So, one afternoon one landed on the basketball hoop in my front yard. IMG_3903I grabbed my phone, the photos aren’t  great but you get the idea.IMG_3911

IMG_3915But as he flew away… he flew right into my neighbors front window, but he was fine. He shook it off and was off again!

Salmon and Caprese Salad

I love summer! Summer brings us super yummy veggies, corn, zucchini, lima beans, lady peas but my absolute favorite is TOMATOES.  I eat tomatoes every day. I love them. When they first ripen I will make the tomato sandwich and maybe even a BLT. Tonight I had to go with the Caprese salad. Caprese 2Tomato on thick slice of fresh mozzarella, a few pieces of basil under the tomatoes and drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. This is heaven in every bite! But then here comes the topper. The salmon….caprese 3Alaska King Salmon, not farmed salmon. You put a bite of the salmon in olive oil and balsamic vinegar and tomato juice. Life is great!