Really Rocking

I have been painting rocks since I was a child… I kinda forgot I did but my brothers both found different rocks at different times.


The “eye rock” was one of many I painted with eyes on them. Then I guess I painted a rainbow. We had to sell my parents house and this was left in the house. The only thing and my brother found it. New beginnings!

So, about a week ago I decided to paint some rocks and leave them around my neighborhood.  Apparently this is a popular thing to do, not in my neighborhood but around the country.

I started with…

Then I painted…


I only have two more rocks. There aren’t really rocks like this in my yard or around, unless someone has used them for landscaping.

I ran out to the store and on the way back I saw some rocks! They were at La Quinta a motel. I am going to see if I can talk to the manager next week to see if I can pay him for some rocks.

I did stop and grab a few though…IMG_2160

I know, I know, crazy rock lady. I can also contact a landscape company, or Home Depot.

I will keep you updated for my newest project. IMG_2114 2


Garden 2020

I didn’t take a before photo of my garden, but I let it go for over a year, so it looked a little like this…IMG_2122 2

Okay maybe not this bad, but it was weedy and a lot of work.

Here is my little garden…

That’s 5 tomato plants and one jalepeno, one cucumber and one squash.

Here is it now…IMG_2124

Oh, the big plant in the back is oregano, it just never dies and comes back every year. I love tomatoes so, fingers crossed, I hope this works out well this year then I can make this…61125729775__DB16BF96-73B9-4911-A5D1-107080815663

and this….


I will keep you posted on the progress!

A walk in the park…

One of the things we do is go to the park, but we (Bradley Cooper and me) went a couple weeks ago and it was so crowded, too much for us.

I wanted to try again, so, I went alone. It was much much better. There was a Dad and his son…


A couple families picnicking…


I just wanted to hike..IMG_2776

It was a gorgeous day…IMG_2785IMG_2791IMG_2792

See, not too many people, perfect. People just out, keeping their distance. Getting some vitamin D.

What else is there to do, Coopie was working on his photo album…IMG_2802

Here are some books I have been reading…


More to come later…Let me know what you have been doing…

Blue Angels and Thunderbirds Flyover

On Saturday there was a flyover by the BlueAngels and Thunderbirds. They flew over a few hospitals in the Atlanta area, to honor the people working the front lines. If you have ever seen a flyover, you know how awesome it truly is. It moves you through your body and wells up through your soul.

It was to start at 1:35.

I decided to walk up to a field behind a church up the street.


Here’s my cheer squad, Lola, Flash and Meatball.


Lola is lovely, as always.

I waited and then I heard the roar…

Then this is what I saw..


They flew around the other side to Emory Hospital and off of the expressway. It was a beautiful day though and a lot of other people in Atlanta enjoyed it!

Thank you to the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds and everyone working on the front lines and behind the scenes through all of this. Thank you to all the people staying home.
