Historic Chamblee

ImageThis is obviously Chamblee City Hall. Across the street is my favorite furniture consignment shop,ImageConsignment Furniture Depot. If you need a new dining room table and chairs or sofa, bedroom, outdoor furniture or a greeting card (yes, they really have them too) I had to walk off my lunch from Southbound, the shrimp and grits, so onto The Ice House, next door.ImageThis place rocks, it has a little bit of everything interesting. I don’t know if you’ve seen the retro looking refrigerators they sell now, well, they sell them here. They have cool totes and lots of collectables. I love this bar. Let me know what you think…Image

All up and down Peachtree Rd. (in Chamblee) are Antique Stores filled to the brim with treasures! Here’s what the fox said.Image

Took that with my iphone.

Then took the long trek to the end of the road across from a really cool cemetery. Was this place Image

They make all kinds of furniture and frames and really cool items from reclaimed wood. They have cool metal flowers and all kinds of interesting stuff. It’s a fun Staycation in Chamblee. Down the other end of the road is Maison Robert Chocolates, whoa, that will take a whole other day.

Check out Historic Chamblee, my final stop was here.ImageChamblee Bistro, is a comfy little sandwich shop. Great sandwiches, and the best brownies ever. That is what the sign said, I took the challenge and I agree, it is the best! I cannot wait to hear what you think!


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